

Delta State strives to provide every student with the resources available for financial aid. 联邦补助金可以通过FAFSA申请. 学生需要满足一定的要求才有资格获得助学金.


最以需求为基础的学生援助项目, 该计划为低收入和中等收入的本科生提供助学金. Awards vary depending on the cost of attendance and financial circumstances of students and their families. 佩尔助学金不需要偿还. Based on changes made to the Title IV student aid program by the recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, undergraduate students can only receive a Federal Pell Grant for up to 12 semesters (or its equivalent).

联邦补充教育机会补助金 (FSEOG)

Participating schools award FSEOG to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need, 根据资金的可用性. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的FSEOG奖励通常在每年100 - 600美元之间. FSEOG不需要偿还.


有几个贷款项目可用于资助大学教育. 大多数贷款的利率都很低,而且直到毕业才需要还款. 每个项目的资格各不相同.





  • 浮动利率高达8.25%
  • 非全日制或全日制学生
  • loan does not accrue interest as long as the student is continually enrolled in 6 or more credit hours per semester


  • 浮动利率高达8.25%
  • 无论家庭收入如何,资格都得到保证
  • 注册后,兴趣立即开始积累
  • 有几种还款方式可供选择


  1. 学生必须填写FAFSA申请表格(studentaid.gov),以决定每所学校是否有资格申请直接贷款. 贷款必须偿还.
  2. 所有获得学生贷款的学生都必须访问 studentaid.gov 完成新的主本票和新的贷款入学咨询.  在此之前,贷款资金不能支付给学生.



许多学生没有资格获得最高贷款金额. 最高限额是指学生能借到的最高限额. 许多学生有资格获得的金额低于最高限额.


Classification Subsidized 总(补贴 & Unsubsidized)
Freshman $3,500 $5,500
Sophomore $4,500 $6,500
Junior, Senior $5,500 $7,500


Classification Subsidized 总(补贴 & Unsubsidized)
Freshman $3,500 $9,500
Sophomore $4,500 $10,500
Junior, Senior $5,500 $12,500



Parents with a good credit history may be eligible for a loan to pay the education expenses of each child who is a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least part-time.



Sign in at studentaid.gov 为PLUS贷款背书.


A PLUS Loan application will be certified by Delta State and forwarded to the Department of Education. 贷款资金将在学期开始时送到三角洲州.

If approved for the PLUS loan, parents will need to complete the PLUS 主本票 at studentaid.gov.

Not Approved?

Financial Aid counselors will determine if you are eligible for other financial aid funds.



Graduate students with a good credit history may be eligible for a loan to pay their education expenses if enrolled at least part-time.



Sign in at studentaid.gov 申请PLUS贷款.


A PLUS Loan application will be certified by Delta State and forwarded to the Department of Education. 贷款资金将在学期开始时送到三角洲州.

如果获得PLUS贷款批准, 研究生将需要完成加主本票在 studentaid.gov.

Not Approved?

如未获批准, a Graduate student may seek alternative loans through outside lenders if he/she was not eligible for Unsubsidized and/or Graduate PLUS loans.



大学学费是许多家庭关心的问题. Most financial aid packages will include student loans; however, federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans may not cover the total cost of college expenses.

Students are encouraged to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to exhaust all eligibility for federal funds before applying for private loans. 你可以在这里填写FAFSA www.studentaid.ed.gov.

Private alternative student loans are available to students who need additional expense funding from outside lenders. The lenders calculate the amount of eligibility based on the cost of attendance minus other financial aid or an annual loan maximum.  可能需要信用记录和其他因素,以及委托人.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载不认可任何贷款人或贷款机构. 为了帮助您进行搜索,我们建议您使用FASTChoice. FASTChoice is a tool for comparing a historical lender list of private loan lenders through which our students have borrowed during the past three award years. 贷款人的名单是随机排列的, 据我们所知,所提供的信息是准确的.


我们将处理来自任何贷款机构的私人教育贷款. 如果你选择通过不在这个名单上的贷款人借款, 我们将处理您的申请,并向该贷款机构证明您的资格.

Private Loan Disbursement

Lenders are required to provide the borrower with a right-to-cancel period for their lender-approved and school-certified loans. 根据贷款人的不同,取消期限可能需要3至10天. Private loan funds are released to Delta State after the right-to-cancel period has expired and are disbursed to the students’ 学生业务服务’ account.


  • 资格要求是什么?
  • 利率是什么?它的依据是什么?
  • 什么时候开始还款?
  • 本金及/或利息可以延期支付吗?
  • 利息什么时候资本化?
  • 费用是多少??
  • 每年的最低和最高贷款额是多少?
  • 我可以借钱来支付上一学期的到期余额吗?
  • Are there interest rate deductions or other incentives for borrowers who make their payments on time?

贷款咨询 & 主本票



所有在7月1日之后获得学生贷款的学生, 2010, must complete a new 主本票 and complete new Loan 入学咨询.  在此之前,贷款资金不能支付给学生.

Yes. 你可以两者都做 www.studentaid.gov.


  1. 在线完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) studentaid.gov.
  2. 提供财政援助办公室要求的文件.
  3. 为直接贷款计划填写一张新的主本票 studentaid.gov.
  4. 完成贷款入口咨询直接贷款在 studentaid.gov.

借款人的权利 & 责任




偿还贷款. 当本票被签署时, 双方达成协议,按照票据的条款偿还贷款. 这是一份有约束力的法律文件,声明, 除非是出院的情况, 即使没有完成教育,借款人也必须偿还贷款, 完成课程后没有收到工作, 或者借款人不满意, 或者没有接受支付的教育. 在借款之前考虑一下这个义务. (四)贷款未按本票规定的期限或期限偿还的, 借款人可能会违约, 这会造成非常严重的后果.

自愿支付. Payments must be made on a loan even if a bill or repayment notice is not received. 即使没有收到通知,借款人也有义务付款. 为了方便起见,发送帐单(或优惠券).

Deferment. 申请延期或延期的, a borrower must continue to make payments until notified that the request has been granted. 如果在此过程中不付款,贷款可能会违约. 应保留所有提交的申请表格的副本. The borrower should document all contacts with the organization that holds your loan.

状态通知. 毕业后, 大学撤军, 或者降到兼职以下, 借款人必须通知相应的代表(学校), agency, 或者贷方)管理贷款. 如果改名, address, 社会安全号码, 或者转学到另一所学校, 应联系该代表. 如果是珀金斯贷款, the loan will be managed by the school that lends the money or by an agency that the school assigns to service the loan. If borrowing a FFEL Program Loan, it will be managed by the lender or its servicing agent.

入学咨询. 不管所借的是何种联邦贷款, 入学咨询必须在第一次贷款发放之前完成. 离校辅导必须在离校前完成. These counseling sessions will be administered by Delta State and will provide important information about loans. 有关贷款的其他信息将由贷款人提供.



在贷款发放之前, the following information about a loan from the school or lender will be received:

  • 贷款的全部金额
  • interest rate
  • 贷款偿还日期
  • 其他类型经济援助资格的影响
  • a complete list of any charges that must be paid (loan fees) and information on how those charges are collected
  • 每年和总可借金额
  • 最长还款期限和最低还款金额
  • 违约和后果的解释
  • 解释贷款合并或再融资的可选方案
  • 没有罚款的贷款提前还款报表

Before leaving school, the following loan information will be received from the school or lender:

  • 债务总额(本金及估计利息), interest rate, 以及贷款的总利息
  • 还款期间的预期费用, such as late charges and collection or litigation costs upon loan delinquency or default
  • 解释贷款合并或再融资的可选方案
  • 没有罚款的贷款提前还款报表.
  • The following information will be provided for FFEL Stafford Loan holders during exit counseling:
    • 持有贷款人或机构的名称;
    • 在哪里付款
    • 在哪里写信或打电话询问问题
    • 当前贷款的描述,包括平均每月预期付款
    • 债务管理建议
    • 必须提供以下通知:预期永久地址, 你预期雇主的姓名和地址, 近亲的地址, 以及学校记录中有关借款者姓名的任何更正, 社会安全号码, references, 还有驾照号码
  • Right of grace period before repayment begins (Parents may not receive a grace period for a PLUS Loan.) A grace period begins when the borrower leaves school or drops below part-time status. 宽限期的长度在本票上显示.
  • 学校贷款还款时间表, lender, and/or the Direct Loan Servicing Center (as appropriate) stating the date that first payment is due, 付款的次数和频率, 以及每次付款的金额
  • 延期汇总表, forbearances, 及解除(取消)条款, 包括在何种条件下,美国.S. 国防部可能会偿还贷款.

Parents that borrow a FFEL Program Loan must be notified when a loan is sold if the sale results in making payments to a new lender or agency. 新旧贷款人或代理机构必须将出售通知借款人. 持有贷款的新贷款人或机构的身份, 付款地址, 并且必须提供联系信息. (这并不适用于珀金斯贷款的借款人.)



符合学生贷款行为准则的要求概述在 2008年高等教育机会法案, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载财政援助办公室禁止以下所有行为:

  • Assigning a lender to a borrower or refusing to certify a loan for a borrower’s choice of lender or guarantor
  • 接受贷款人为财务援助办公室提供的任何人员援助
  • 与贷方签订收入分成协议
  • 利益冲突
  • 收受高于标称价值的出借人或担保人的礼物
  • 接受私人贷款,条件是使用贷款人的第四章贷款
  • Contracting arrangements with a lender that provides compensation to school students

出于以下目的, 如果贷款人或担保人提供以下材料,不被视为给学校的“礼物”:

  • 标准材料, 与贷款有关的活动或项目, 默认的厌恶, 预防违约或金融知识(1).e. 宣传册、工作坊、培训).
  • Food, refreshments, training or informational material that is designed to improve the service of a lender, guarantor, or servicer if the training contributes to the professional development of the school staff.
  • 有利的条件, 条件和借款人福利, 只要这些都提供给学校的所有学生.
  • 出入咨询服务, as long as the school controls the counseling and does not promote the products and services of the lender.
  • 与贷款额无关的慈善捐款.